Content Publishing

Let Us Tell Your Story

If you’re concerned about SEO, building your brand, and providing info about your goods and services then content is KING. However, if you’re an attorney, medical professional, or business owner; do you really want to sit down and hammer out article after article?

Let us tell YOUR story. Our team of award winning writers will publish articles, blogs, and SEO content on your behalf. Find out more below.

Content Publishing

Let Us Tell Your Story

If you’re concerned about SEO, building your brand, and providing info about your goods and services then content is KING. However, if you’re an attorney, medical professional, or business owner; do you really want to sit down and hammer out article after article?

Let us tell YOUR story. Our team of award winning writers will publish articles, blogs, and SEO content on your behalf. Find out more below.

Content is KING When it Comes to Organic SEO

We’re tech nerds, and we LOVE to “talk tech” with our clients. However, when it comes to TRUE organic SEO, content is and will always be, KING of the search engine optimization jungle. Yes, technical SEO, site speed, image optimization, design, and links are a part of search marketing. And yes, we do believe and rely heavily on technical markups. However, NONE of those tools provide any value without QUALITY content. And a LOT of it. Period. 

top rated law firm marketing agencies

It Takes MORE Than Writing Skills to Publish QUALITY SEO Content

Some people can write. Fewer can write well. Some people understand SEO. Fewer understand it well. And, EVEN fewer know how to take content, SEO, and harness it in such a way that ACTUALLY financially benefits you and your biz (that means making you money by getting you real leads).  

We do. Period. 

How Does Content Help Search Engine Optimization & Paid Ads?

The days of keyword stuffing are OVER. It’s no longer “good enough” to pump out articles all on their own. Nowadays you need to go above and beyond if you want your content to stand out. We could spend months, years, just talking about content and tips you can utilize to harness its power as a lead gen tool.

However, the truth is this, you WANT the “baby”, you just DON’T WANT the labor pains. We get it, you’re a business professional. An expert in your field, but 99.9% of you aren’t pro writers or tech wizards. Hence why your investing your valuable time into reading this article.  Here are some quick highlights as to HOW content helps not only your organic SEO, but also your paid ad campaigns. YES, since 2020 Google has implemented a new “quality score” element, which is graded heavily by page content user experience.

Highlights of Quality Content

Take a look at just a few of the ways quality content can help your SEO, SEM, paid ads, and conversions. At the end of the day, you’re investing in your marketing to earn an ROI. Content is KEY to achieving this goal.

  • Explains your goods and services
  • Increases user experience
  • Speeds up decision making time
  • Increases conversions
  • Boosts quality score and lowers CPC
  • Better paid ad placements
  • Allows clients to obtain info on their own
  • Builds your brand and reputation

Types of Content Campaigns We Write & Publish at Big Bang…

Here is a list of just some of the types of content campaigns we build and manage. For further information, please contact us directly by clicking here.

  • Cornerstone pages
  • Child/Parent Page SEM Funnels
  • SEO Content Silos
  • Law Firm SEO Content 
  • Medical SEO Content 
  • Full Website SEM Content
  • Blogs
  • YouTube Articles
  • Social Media Articles 
  • Public Relations Postings
  • Directory Articles 
organic seo 2023

Big Bang’s 5 Key Principles for Our Content Teams

NUMBER ONE: Honesty is the best policy – Don’t accept a writing piece if you don’t fully understand how the client wants the article to come across. Never assume, ask questions and make sure you’re on the same page as the client with what you are about to write about. 

NUMBER TWO: Do NOT over promise and under deliver. PERIOD. Set REAL expectations with your clients. 

NUMBER THREE: Stay organized. DOUBLE and TRIPPLE check references. If you’re writing about law, medicine, or a specific good or service provided by one of our clients, MAKE sure what you’re writing is true and accurate. And ALWAYS check with the Technical SEM team before linking to an article.

NUMBER FOUR: Treat our clients’ content campaigns as if it were yours. Better, treat your clients’ ad campaigns success as if your income depended upon it. Guess what, it does. If our clients are not making money, Big Bang isn’t making money, and YOU’RE not making money. 

NUMBER FIVE: Smile, have fun, and enjoy what you do. Work isn’t everything. Your health, your family/friends, your happiness comes first. Happy Content team members excel. 

Who’s In Charge of the Content Publishing Team at Big Bang Geeks? Learn More About Our Team Leaders

Let’s take a minute to learn more about the Content Publishing teams at Big Bang, and most of all, who’s in charge of each division. Remember, at any time, you can contact us at (818) 877-7701 to learn more about our marketing services. If you prefer to email us, click here to fill out our paperless contact form. Or, if it’s an emergency and you need a live rep to call you, even after-hours or on weekends, click here and fill out a 24-Hour Emergency IT Ticket. 

Brett Hawkins

Content Manager

Mr. Hawkins is more than a skilled writer. He is a “master mixer” of words. Brett has over 25 years of experience as a professional writer. From writing and publishing his own books and Ghost Writing for well established authors, to producing TV and Movie scripts, Brett has done it all. 

Not only does Mr. Hawkins write well, he also has a deep understanding of SEO, SEM, and how to utilize content to help generate leads for our clients. Brett works hand in hand with our Organic SEO, Paid Ads, and Traditional Marketing teams. We LOVE Brett and you will too.

Favorite Sports Team: New York Yankees, Los Angeles Lakers, and the LA Rams

Favorite Food: A fillet mignon steak from Mastro’s Beverly Hills

Favorite Hobby: Art, SPORTS, travel, his dog, family and friends

Favorite Movie: Good Will Hunting 

Favorite Quote: “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” – Wayne Gretzky


Brett Hawkins

Content Manager

Mr. Hawkins is more than a skilled writer. He is a “master mixer” of words. Brett has over 25 years of experience as a professional writer. From writing and publishing his own books and Ghost Writing for well established authors, to producing TV and Movie scripts, Brett has done it all. 

Not only does Mr. Hawkins write well, he also has a deep understanding of SEO, SEM, and how to utilize content to help generate leads for our clients. Brett works hand in hand with our Organic SEO, Paid Ads, and Traditional Marketing teams. We LOVE Brett and you will too.

Favorite Sports Team: New York Yankees, Los Angeles Lakers, and the LA Rams

Favorite Food: A fillet mignon steak from Mastro’s Beverly Hills

Favorite Hobby: Art, SPORTS, travel, his dog, family and friends

Favorite Movie: Good Will Hunting 

Favorite Quote: “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” – Wayne Gretzky


Manny Hernandez

Spanish SEM Manager

Mr. Hernandez runs our Spanish Marketing Division. He oversees a team of 10+ Account Specialists, solely focused on Spanish based digital and traditional ads. Manny has 25 plus years of sales and marketing experience. After graduating from The University of Texas at Austin, Mr. Hernandex took a job with Chevrolet Corporate. As a Corporate Finance Officer, he oversaw the entire Mid-Texas operations. 

Manny then shifted gears, diving into music and branding.  He is the cousin of the late, and globally acclaimed artist Selena, and was her campaign manager. In addition, Manny has helped Latin artists worldwide grow their digital footprint and reputation. He is extremely knowledgeable about media buys, ad placements, and traditional marketing. 

Favorite Sports Team: Kansas City Chiefs

Favorite Food: Pizza, friend chicken, and ice cream

Favorite Hobby: Sports, music, spending time with his wife and kids

Favorite Movie: Braveheart

Favorite Quote: “Every man dies, not every man trully lives” – William Wallace


Gary Hewitt

President of Media

Our top Sales Executive is Mr. Gary Hewitt. Gary has over 30 years of B2B, as well as B2C sales experience. After college, Mr. Hewitt worked for LIFE Magazine. In addition, he helped Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey become the largest traveling circus in the world during the 70’s and 80’s. Mr. Hewitt focuses primarily with the management and production of our traditional media ads, such as Television, OTT (digital commercial ads), Podcasts, Radio, and Print. In addition, Mr. Hewitt oversees our sales and operational teams.  

Favorite Sports Team: Boston Red Sox 

Favorite Food: A porterhouse steak from Gwen’s in Beverly Hills 

Favorite Hobby: Golfing and spending time with his family.

Favorite Movie: The God Father 

Favorite Quote: “If you don’t play to win don’t play at all” – Tom Brady


Manny Hernandez

Spanish SEM Manager

Mr. Hernandez runs our Spanish Marketing Division. He oversees a team of 10+ Account Specialists, solely focused on Spanish based digital and traditional ads. Manny has 25 plus years of sales and marketing experience. After graduating from The University of Texas at Austin, Mr. Hernandex took a job with Chevrolet Corporate. As a Corporate Finance Officer, he oversaw the entire Mid-Texas operations. 

Manny then shifted gears, diving into music and branding.  He is the cousin of the late, and globally acclaimed artist Selena, and was her campaign manager. In addition, Manny has helped Latin artists worldwide grow their digital footprint and reputation. He is extremely knowledgeable about media buys, ad placements, and traditional marketing. 

Favorite Sports Team: Kansas City Chiefs

Favorite Food: Pizza, friend chicken, and ice cream

Favorite Hobby: Sports, music, spending time with his wife and kids

Favorite Movie: Braveheart

Favorite Quote: “Every man dies, not every man trully lives” – William Wallace


Jordan Bailey

HR Manager 

Jordan does it all at Big Bang. Mrs. Bailey and her team run our Operations & Human Resources departments. Jordan also plays a vital role in content and social media reviews. She has over 15 years of HR and Operations experience and has been with Big Bang since we launched.  

From keeping our entire staff organized and on point to making sure we meet every deadline, Jordan and her teams work hard to ensure that Big Bang provides the BEST customer experience time and time again. 

Favorite Sports Team: LA Rams and LA Galaxy

Favorite Food: Sushi, caviar, cookies

Favorite Hobby: Hiking, animals, traveling, her kids and family/friends

Favorite Movie: Grandma’s Boy and The Fifth Element

Favorite Quote: “Hey JP, how much do clothes cost in the Matrix?” – Alex


Jordan Bailey

HR Manager 

Jordan does it all at Big Bang. Mrs. Bailey and her team run our Operations & Human Resources departments. Jordan also plays a vital role in content and social media reviews. She has over 15 years of HR and Operations experience and has been with Big Bang since we launched.  

From keeping our entire staff organized and on point to making sure we meet every deadline, Jordan and her teams work hard to ensure that Big Bang provides the BEST customer experience time and time again. 

Favorite Sports Team: LA Rams and LA Galaxy

Favorite Food: Sushi, caviar, cookies

Favorite Hobby: Hiking, animals, traveling, her kids and family/friends

Favorite Movie: Grandma’s Boy and The Fifth Element

Favorite Quote: “Hey JP, how much do clothes cost in the Matrix?” – Alex


Big Bang Partnerships & Certifications


Five Star Client Reviews 

5 Star Client Reviews

“Great law firm marketing company. Been with them for a little over 4 years now. We’ve tried other agencies, never received any leads. Big Bang has helped us obtain quality cases. For us, that makes the difference. We don’t want to pay for marketing unless it can generate business for our firm.”

D. Rubin 

“Our law firm is located in Chicago. We’ve tried lots of different marketing firms over the years. Some have been okay, most have been a waste of time. We needed to get new cases, and we were tired of spending money but not actually getting an increase in calls or client inquires. We went with this agency and it’s been a game changer for us. Calls come in, we get new client cases, it’s what we were looking for.”

J. Nisivaco 

“I’ve used nearly ever marketing agency out there for my law firm. None of them have come close to the service level of Big Bang. I get leads, they handle all of my content, answer any question I have, and are truly dedicated to the success of my law firm. They care more about my firm, the cases I get, and the profitability of my practice then they do about the money I pay them for their services. If you’re looking for a law firm marketing company who actually puts you first, Big Bang is the way to go.”

S. Whitworth 

A Trusted Front to Back Digital Marketing & Traditional Advertising Agency…

Lot’s of marketing companies claim to have happy clients. We don’t have to. Just check out our reviews and read what real lawyers, medical professionals and business owers just like you, have to say about our services. Talk is cheap. Results are all that matter.

best law firm marketing company

Technology & Industry Insight

Our Technology Fuels Our Success

Online advertising and traditional marketing such as television, radio, and print is ever changing. Updates to algorithms, machine learning, and code significantly affect the digital ad space. In addition, new advertisements into digital billboards, email tracking and geo-fencing, OTT and digital TV commercials, and even satellite radio and app streaming on television have reshaped the landscape of traditional marketing. 

Simply put, if you’re truly looking to grow your Law Firm or Medical Practice, you need quality leads that convert to new paying cases and patients. We have the technology and the know how to get the job done. Period. 

Leads & New Clients Increase Your ROI… Not Phantom Keyword Placements That no One Ever Searches For…

Other marketing agencies focus on phantom placements, or overstated keyword reports. We don’t. That’s because we know that what matters most is getting new clients every month. So, we perform extensive research to figure out how your potential clients are searching for your services.

Programming & Coding Gurus – We Make it Happen

From amazing designs to converting your Google AdWords spend, we know how to take your business to the next level.

We have the brain power and the credentials you can depend on. From Yoast to Google, and everything in between, we keep up on all of the new techniques and tools. This allows us to strategize and game-plan, to create the best possible marketing campaign for your businesses needs.

Site Functionality on all Platforms

Whether your clients search for you on mobile by speaking to their phones, or if they perform a traditional desktop inquiry, your site will rank at the top of the results.

The best way to generate new clients is to go directly after your competitors. If you can continuously outrank and outbid your competition, you will drive customers to your page. We do this for you, regardless of the platform your client utilizes.

Achieve Your Business Goals

We take you and your business to the finish line… in FIRST PLACE

With Big Bang Marketing you will get to the finish line first. In order to be the best, you need to work with the best. Call us today and speak with an Account Analyst about what we can do to customize a campaign that will yield you new clients every month, guaranteed. 

The Finish Line – Launch Something Today

Let Big Bang take you and your business to the finish line. Month after month, we build, monitor, and maintain advertising campaigns that simply deliver what matters most, the quality leads you need to increase profits. Scrowl down below and schedule a free consultation today. We’re ready, willing, and able to drive you new clients, customers, and patients. Call now and get your phones ringing TODAY.

We’ve Got What You Need

Grow Your Business Now – Call Big Bang TODAY

All of our work is done in-house. Right here in our Los Angeles location or our Texas locations. As certified Google AdWords Specialists, we love Paid Search. We’re also big fans of organic programming, social, and video marketing. Check out what we can provide your business. Schedule a free consultation to talk to an account analyst in one of our offices today. Time is money, let us help streamline your practice and grow your business. 

Learn More About Digital Marketing -Take a Free Course Today

Big Bang Geeks Information

California Corporate Address:

6320 Canoga Ave, 15th Floor

Woodland Hills, CA 91360

Texas Corporate Address:

130 N Preston Rd, Suite 22B

Prosper, TX 75078

Schedule a Free Lead Consultation

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This website is for advertisement purposes only. Big Bang Geeks is a subsidiary of Big Bang Geeks Marketing and R 33 Research Corp. Copyright 2023 all rights reserved. View our Privacy Policy and Terms/Conditions & Payment/Refund Policy. For more information please email or call (818) 877-7701.

– The Finish Line –

We’ve Got What You Need

Grow Your Business Now – Call Big Bang TODAY

All of our work is done in-house. Right here in our Los Angeles location or our Texas locations. As certified Google AdWords Specialists, we love Paid Search. We’re also big fans of organic programming, social, and video marketing. Check out what we can provide your business. Schedule a free consultation to talk to an account analyst in one of our offices today.

Learn More About Digital Marketing -Take a Free Course Today

Big Bang Geeks Information

California Corporate Address:

6320 Canoga Ave, 15th Floor

Woodland Hills, CA 91360

Texas Corporate Address:

130 N Preston Rd, Suite 22B

Prosper, TX 75078

Schedule a Free Lead Consultation

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This website is for advertisement purposes only. Big Bang Geeks is a subsidiary of Big Bang Geeks Marketing and R 33 Research Corp. Copyright 2023 all rights reserved. View our Privacy Policy and Terms/Conditions & Payment/Refund Policy. For more information please email or call (818) 877-7701.