Paid Search

Weaponize Your Marketing Campaign

If you’re serious about obtaining client leads from your online marketing, you MUST invest in paid leads. Period. 

The days of relying solely on organic SEO are over, they’ve been over for roughly 5 years. Which is one reason why your current ad campaigns are failing. Let Big Bang WEAPONIZE your Google Ads and Paid Ads campaign today. We’ve got the tech and nerd know-how to GROW your biz and CRUSH your competition. We’re the GEEKS that get it done. 

Paid Search

Weaponize Your Marketing Campaign

If you’re serious about obtaining client leads from your online marketing, you MUST invest in paid leads. Period. 

The days of relying solely on organic SEO are over, they’ve been over for roughly 5 years. Which is one reason why your current ad campaigns are failing. Let Big Bang WEAPONIZE your Google Ads and Paid Ads campaign today. We’ve got the tech and nerd know-how to GROW your biz and CRUSH your competition. We’re the GEEKS that get it done. 

From Google AdWords and Local Service Ads to Social Media and Geo Fencing -Big Bang KNOWS How to CRUSH Paid Ad Campaigns

Let’s face it, you have to PAY to play. Whether you’re sitting at a blackjack table or building your business, money talks and (you know what) walks. Paid Ad campaigns are necessary if you truly want to bring in new business. And we’re not just talking about “good ole'” search ads. No, the paid ads landscape has changed, drastically. Especially over the last 24 months. Standard Google Ads consist of Search Ads, YouTube Ads, Shopping Ads, Display Ads, and NOW Universal App Campaign Ads. Yup, you can now run ads on mobile apps.  

In addition, Google launched their new Local Service Ad platform for a plethora of new business types. And it’s not just Google adding new paid ad platforms. Social Media feeds, OTT Ads, even the way traditional mediums such as television and radio have all added new ways to “pay” for traffic. If you throw in geofencing, geotargeting, retargeting, and Google’s quality score index, it can become more than overwhelming to take on a campaign. 

So… How Does a Business Properly Launch an Effective Paid Ads Campaign

That’s where Big Bang comes in. Our team of certified Google and Paid Ad specialists work hand in hand, directly with our clients and their staff. We perform a thorough interview, taking the time to fully understand what you need and want from your campaign. Read below to take a deeper dive into what we do to make your paid ad campaigns SHINE. Big Bang KNOWS how to CRUSH your competition.

Our Seven Steps to Building a Better Paid Ads Campaign

Ready to attack your competitors, grow your biz, and finally dominate your market? Check out our seven steps to success below.

Number One -Initial Meeting: Here we talk, listen, and take notes. This is where we get to know you, you get to know us, and we gather data to analyze. 

Number Two – First Analysis Review: We take 1-3 business days to analyze all of the data we collected. We put together a few potential action plans, and we brainstorm with our internal teams on best potential approach ideas. 

Number Three – Market Testing: We then take some of the mock campaigns we’ve built and simulate them within your geographical market. By looking at your competitors, other similar clients of ours, and historical averages we can come up with a ballpark number to use as a baseline for your campaign(s). 

Number Four – Secondary Campaigns: Next, we take a look at secondary campaigns that will work hand in hand with your paid ads. Campaigns such as, but not limited to, Organic SEO, Retargeting, Social Media. TV, and Radio. 

Number Five – Second Client Meeting: We then circle back with you and your team. Here we present our findings, testing results, and deliver what we believe is the best course of action for you and your business. 

Number Six – Revision and Final Tests: We are now near the end. We run one more round of testing, to ensure that each ad is well served and received. We spot check content, headlines, landing pages, geotargets, media assets, you name it.  

Number Seven – Launch and Monitoring: Finally, we are ready to launch. We’ve built the most sophisticated campaign possible and we’re ready to go to war with your competitors. We also monitor all of your campaigns daily; this ensures we stay one step ahead of your competition. 

Google Adwords Image for attorneys
Google Adwords Image for attorneys

Our Seven Steps to Building a Better Paid Ads Campaign

Ready to attack your competitors, grow your biz, and finally dominate your market? Check out our seven steps to success below.

Number One -Initial Meeting: Here we talk, listen, and take notes. This is where we get to know you, you get to know us, and we gather data to analyze. 

Number Two – First Analysis Review: We take 1-3 business days to analyze all of the data we collected. We put together a few potential action plans, and we brainstorm with our internal teams on best potential approach ideas. 

Number Three – Market Testing: We then take some of the mock campaigns we’ve built and simulate them within your geographical market. By looking at your competitors, other similar clients of ours, and historical averages we can come up with a ballpark number to use as a baseline for your campaign(s). 

Number Four – Secondary Campaigns: Next, we take a look at secondary campaigns that will work hand in hand with your paid ads. Campaigns such as, but not limited to, Organic SEO, Retargeting, Social Media. TV, and Radio. 

Number Five – Second Client Meeting: We then circle back with you and your team. Here we present our findings, testing results, and deliver what we believe is the best course of action for you and your business. 

Number Six – Revision and Final Tests: We are now near the end. We run one more round of testing, to ensure that each ad is well served and received. We spot check content, headlines, landing pages, geotargets, media assets, you name it.  

Number Seven – Launch and Monitoring: Finally, we are ready to launch. We’ve built the most sophisticated campaign possible and we’re ready to go to war with your competitors. We also monitor all of your campaigns daily; this ensures we stay one step ahead of your competition. 

Selecting a Budget and How to Look at Your Paid Ad Campaigns

Okay, so if you’re still reading through this page, chances are you are considering a paid ads campaign. So, let’s cut to the chase. The number one question we get asked is “how much do I need to spend on paid ads?” and we understand why. We are REAL at Big Bang. Paid ad campaigns can sometimes (very often if your an attorney) have a “scary sticker price” when you first look at the numbers. However, you are actually NOT spending a PENNY on paid ads. 

Instead, you are INVESTING in your business. You are INVESTING in paid ads. We URGE clients to look at their paid ad campaigns NOT as a cost, NOT as how much you spent, BUT INSTEAD on HOW MUCH MONEY you MADE from your campaigns. It takes capital for a campaign to run right. Most marketing agencies are TOO AFRAID to tell their clients the truth. At Big Bang, we tell it like it is.  

Our Team of certified ad specialists will work with you and your staff to determine a budget we believe will give us the most bang for your buck, and most of all, give us the opportunity to land you the quality leads you’re looking for. 

At Big Bang We Hit the Target With Your Paid Ads

Our team and our seven steps to success help us ensure that we hit the mark on your paid ad campaigns, month after month. Contact us today to learn more about our paid ad campaigns. 

SEO & Paid Ads – Why Blended Campaigns Increase Your Ability to Land Quality Leads…

 We’re going to roll with the “KISS” model. Keep It Super Simple. The higher your Google Quality Score, the better your paid ads perform. Your Google Quality score is based upon multiple factors, most of which have their roots in Organic SEO. Simply put, landing pages nowadays need to be built with content depth, proper silo structure, and need to have multiple media types within the page. In addition, your ads must have multiple calls to action, headlines, media assets, and links.  

Take a look at some of the top highlights below. Or, if you want to learn more, take one of our free Paid Ads learning courses. There’s a signup link at the bottom of our website’s footer. You can also call us emails us at to enroll directly.  

  • Better Ad positions 
  • Better Ad rotations 
  • Lower CPC (cost per click) 
  • Lower CPA (cost per acquisition)  
  • Activate Google ROAS (return on ad spend learning software) 
  • Improved Ad performance  
  • Access to additional Ad platforms 

Big Bang Belives in Blended Ad Campaigns – Paid Search, Social, Organic SEO, TV, and Radio Work Together to Build Your Brand and Reputation

Learn how we utilize multiple advertising platforms, how we harness multiple media outlets, to build the most effective ad campaigns possible. 

Types of Paid Ad Campaigns We Build at Big Bang Geeks – Let Our Team of Certified and Licensed Paid Ads Specialists Develop Your Campaign Today

Here is a list of just some of the types of businesses we build Paid Ads campaigns for. For further information, please contact us directly by clicking here.

  • Law Firms
  • Medical Practices
  • Dentists
  • E-Commerce Sites
  • CPA’s & Financial
  • Home Improvement
  • Plumbers
  • HVAC
  • Mortgage & Lending
  • Music Industry
  • Auto Dealerships
organic seo 2023

Big Bang’s 5 Key Principles for Our Paid Ads Team

NUMBER ONE: Honesty is the best policy – Don’t speak about a product or service unless you fully understand it. It’s OKAY to tell a client that you don’t know the answer, BUT that you will find someone who does and get back to them. 

NUMBER TWO: Do NOT over promise and under deliver. PERIOD. Set REAL expectations with your clients. 

NUMBER THREE: Stay organized. Paid Ads platforms and options change, marketing changes, Big Bang changes with it. You MUST be up to date on all product offerings and service offerings. 

NUMBER FOUR: Treat our clients’ ad campaigns as if it were yours. Better, treat your clients’ ad campaigns success as if your income depended upon it. Guess what, it does. If our clients are not making money, Big Bang isn’t making money, and YOU’RE not making money. 

NUMBER FIVE: Smile, have fun, and enjoy what you do. Work isn’t everything. Your health, your family/friends, your happiness comes first. Happy Paid Ads team members excel. 

Who’s In Charge of the Paid Ads Team at Big Bang Geeks? Learn More About Our Team Leaders

Let’s take a minute to learn more about the Paid Ads teams at Big Bang, and most of all, who’s in charge of each division. Remember, at any time, you can contact us at (818) 877-7701 to learn more about our marketing services. If you prefer to email us, click here to fill out our paperless contact form. Or, if it’s an emergency and you need a live rep to call you, even after-hours or on weekends, click here and fill out a 24-Hour Emergency IT Ticket. 

Patrick Allen

Paid Search Manager

Patrick Allen is our “Jedi Master” when it comes to paid search. Mr. Allen worked for Google for over 9 years, and he brings that experience and expertise to Big Bang in a BIG WAY. Patrick is skilled in all facets of Google Ads. His primary goal is to get every one of our clients paid search campaigns into ROAS, or the Return On Ad Spend catagory within Google Ads. If it’s involving paid search, via Google or any platform, Patrick has his hand in the mix. 

Favorite Sports Team: Arizona Cardinals

Favorite Food: Thai Food

Favorite Hobby: Creating board games and spending time with his kids and wife.

Favorite Movie: All Marvel Movies 

Favorite Quote: “The hardest choices require the strongest wills” – Thanos from Avengers 


Patrick Allen

Paid Search Manager

Patrick Allen is our “Jedi Master” when it comes to paid search. Mr. Allen worked for Google for over 9 years, and he brings that experience and expertise to Big Bang in a BIG WAY. Patrick is skilled in all facets of Google Ads. His primary goal is to get every one of our clients paid search campaigns into ROAS, or the Return On Ad Spend catagory within Google Ads. If it’s involving paid search, via Google or any platform, Patrick has his hand in the mix. 

Favorite Sports Team: Arizona Cardinals

Favorite Food: Thai Food

Favorite Hobby: Creating board games and spending time with his kids and wife.

Favorite Movie: All Marvel Movies 

Favorite Quote: “The hardest choices require the strongest wills” – Thanos from Avengers 


Nick Ryan

Tech & SEM Manager

Nick has been working in the technology field since 2004. His first job out of college was working for JP Morgan, where he worked in Mortgage Backed Securties and on a software program called ZIPPY. He then worked with SolidWorks, a cutting edge CAD/CAM software program, working hand in hand with Aerospace Engineering firms such Northrop Grumman, Boeing, and even the United States Armed Forces.

Mr. Ryan holds multiple Google certifications and understands front and backend programming. From mobile app creation to the buidling and management of paid ad campaigns, he is our true head of technology. 

Favorite Sports Team: Green Bay Packers

Favorite Food: In and Out Double Doubles, Pizza, and Sushi

Favorite Hobby: Working out, surfing, and spending time with his family and friends

Favorite Movie: Star Wars

Favorite Quote: “You don’t know the power of the Dark Side of the force.” – Darth Vader (formally Anakin Skywalker)

Nick Ryan

Tech & SEM Manager

Nick has been working in the technology field since 2004. His first job out of college was working for JP Morgan, where he worked in Mortgage Backed Securties and on a software program called ZIPPY. He then worked with SolidWorks, a cutting edge CAD/CAM software program, working hand in hand with Aerospace Engineering firms such Northrop Grumman, Boeing, and even the United States Armed Forces.

Mr. Ryan holds multiple Google certifications and understands front and backend programming. From mobile app creation to the buidling and management of paid ad campaigns, he is our true head of technology. 

Favorite Sports Team: Green Bay Packers

Favorite Food: In and Out Double Doubles, Pizza, and Sushi

Favorite Hobby: Working out, surfing, and spending time with his family and friends

Favorite Movie: Star Wars

Favorite Quote: “You don’t know the power of the Dark Side of the force.” – Darth Vader (formally Anakin Skywalker)

Tanner Hicks

Law Firm Sales Manager 

Tanner Hicks has over a decade of experience selling big ticket IT items to law firms and business professionals. Mr. Hicks is a Navy Veteran, and during his service, he spent time in the JAG Corps. Tanner is the head of our Law Firm division. He is tenacious, intelligent, and understands what lawyers need from their lead generation campaigns. He runs a tight ship, and his teams produce industry leading results for our law firm clients 

Favorite Sports Team: Baltimore Ravens

Favorite Food: Sushi

Favorite Hobby: Surfing, working out, football, and spending time with his fiance’ 

Favorite Movie: Top Gun (one and two)

Favorite Quote: “You can’t take no breaks” – Ray Lewis


Neil Markowitz

Medical Sales Manager

Neil Markowitz is a GURU when it comes to medical and dental marketing. Mr. Markowitz has worked with small to medium sized dental offices, plastic surgery centers, and medial professionals coast to coast for over 15 years. In fact, Neil has helped build TWO of the TOP 10 Dental DSO’s in the nation within the last 36 months. Correct, even during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic Neil’s clients THRIVED. Big Bang understands the importance of HIPAA compliance. In addition, our systems, ad campaigns, and marketing software platforms work with your internal CRM’s. We are truly your one stop shop for medical marketing.

Favorite Sports Team: Denver Broncos

Favorite Food: Sea Food, Sushi, and Ice Cream

Favorite Hobby: Traveling the world and spending time with his wife

Favorite Movie: Shawshank Redemption 

Favorite Quote: “The secret of getting ahead is getting started” – Mark Twain


Tanner Hicks

Law Firm Sales Manager 

Tanner Hicks has over a decade of experience selling big ticket IT items to law firms and business professionals. Mr. Hicks is a Navy Veteran, and during his service, he spent time in the JAG Corps. Tanner is the head of our Law Firm division. He is tenacious, intelligent, and understands what lawyers need from their lead generation campaigns. He runs a tight ship, and his teams produce industry leading results for our law firm clients 

Favorite Sports Team: Baltimore Ravens

Favorite Food: Sushi

Favorite Hobby: Surfing, working out, football, and spending time with his fiance’ 

Favorite Movie: Top Gun (one and two)

Favorite Quote: “You can’t take no breaks” – Ray Lewis


Neil Markowitz

Medical Sales Manager

Neil Markowitz is a GURU when it comes to medical and dental marketing. Mr. Markowitz has worked with small to medium sized dental offices, plastic surgery centers, and medial professionals coast to coast for over 15 years. In fact, Neil has helped build TWO of the TOP 10 Dental DSO’s in the nation within the last 36 months. Correct, even during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic Neil’s clients THRIVED. Big Bang understands the importance of HIPAA compliance. In addition, our systems, ad campaigns, and marketing software platforms work with your internal CRM’s. We are truly your one stop shop for medical marketing.

Favorite Sports Team: Denver Broncos

Favorite Food: Sea Food, Sushi, and Ice Cream

Favorite Hobby: Traveling the world and spending time with his wife

Favorite Movie: Shawshank Redemption 

Favorite Quote: “The secret of getting ahead is getting started” – Mark Twain


Big Bang Partnerships & Certifications


Five Star Client Reviews 

5 Star Client Reviews

“Great law firm marketing company. Been with them for a little over 4 years now. We’ve tried other agencies, never received any leads. Big Bang has helped us obtain quality cases. For us, that makes the difference. We don’t want to pay for marketing unless it can generate business for our firm.”

D. Rubin 

“Our law firm is located in Chicago. We’ve tried lots of different marketing firms over the years. Some have been okay, most have been a waste of time. We needed to get new cases, and we were tired of spending money but not actually getting an increase in calls or client inquires. We went with this agency and it’s been a game changer for us. Calls come in, we get new client cases, it’s what we were looking for.”

J. Nisivaco 

“I’ve used nearly ever marketing agency out there for my law firm. None of them have come close to the service level of Big Bang. I get leads, they handle all of my content, answer any question I have, and are truly dedicated to the success of my law firm. They care more about my firm, the cases I get, and the profitability of my practice then they do about the money I pay them for their services. If you’re looking for a law firm marketing company who actually puts you first, Big Bang is the way to go.”

S. Whitworth 

A Trusted Front to Back Digital Marketing & Traditional Advertising Agency…

Lot’s of marketing companies claim to have happy clients. We don’t have to. Just check out our reviews and read what real lawyers, medical professionals and business owers just like you, have to say about our services. Talk is cheap. Results are all that matter.

best law firm marketing company

Technology & Industry Insight

Our Technology Fuels Our Success

Online advertising and traditional marketing such as television, radio, and print is ever changing. Updates to algorithms, machine learning, and code significantly affect the digital ad space. In addition, new advertisements into digital billboards, email tracking and geo-fencing, OTT and digital TV commercials, and even satellite radio and app streaming on television have reshaped the landscape of traditional marketing. 

Simply put, if you’re truly looking to grow your Law Firm or Medical Practice, you need quality leads that convert to new paying cases and patients. We have the technology and the know how to get the job done. Period. 

Leads & New Clients Increase Your ROI… Not Phantom Keyword Placements That no One Ever Searches For…

Other marketing agencies focus on phantom placements, or overstated keyword reports. We don’t. That’s because we know that what matters most is getting new clients every month. So, we perform extensive research to figure out how your potential clients are searching for your services.

Programming & Coding Gurus – We Make it Happen

From amazing designs to converting your Google AdWords spend, we know how to take your business to the next level.

We have the brain power and the credentials you can depend on. From Yoast to Google, and everything in between, we keep up on all of the new techniques and tools. This allows us to strategize and game-plan, to create the best possible marketing campaign for your businesses needs.

Site Functionality on all Platforms

Whether your clients search for you on mobile by speaking to their phones, or if they perform a traditional desktop inquiry, your site will rank at the top of the results.

The best way to generate new clients is to go directly after your competitors. If you can continuously outrank and outbid your competition, you will drive customers to your page. We do this for you, regardless of the platform your client utilizes.

Achieve Your Business Goals

We take you and your business to the finish line… in FIRST PLACE

With Big Bang Marketing you will get to the finish line first. In order to be the best, you need to work with the best. Call us today and speak with an Account Analyst about what we can do to customize a campaign that will yield you new clients every month, guaranteed. 

The Finish Line – Launch Something Today

Let Big Bang take you and your business to the finish line. Month after month, we build, monitor, and maintain advertising campaigns that simply deliver what matters most, the quality leads you need to increase profits. Scrowl down below and schedule a free consultation today. We’re ready, willing, and able to drive you new clients, customers, and patients. Call now and get your phones ringing TODAY.

We’ve Got What You Need

Grow Your Business Now – Call Big Bang TODAY

All of our work is done in-house. Right here in our Los Angeles location or our Texas locations. As certified Google AdWords Specialists, we love Paid Search. We’re also big fans of organic programming, social, and video marketing. Check out what we can provide your business. Schedule a free consultation to talk to an account analyst in one of our offices today. Time is money, let us help streamline your practice and grow your business. 

Learn More About Digital Marketing -Take a Free Course Today

Big Bang Geeks Information

California Corporate Address:

6320 Canoga Ave, 15th Floor

Woodland Hills, CA 91360

Texas Corporate Address:

130 N Preston Rd, Suite 22B

Prosper, TX 75078

Schedule a Free Lead Consultation

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This website is for advertisement purposes only. Big Bang Geeks is a subsidiary of Big Bang Geeks Marketing and R 33 Research Corp. Copyright 2023 all rights reserved. View our Privacy Policy and Terms/Conditions & Payment/Refund Policy. For more information please email or call (818) 877-7701.

– The Finish Line –

We’ve Got What You Need

Grow Your Business Now – Call Big Bang TODAY

All of our work is done in-house. Right here in our Los Angeles location or our Texas locations. As certified Google AdWords Specialists, we love Paid Search. We’re also big fans of organic programming, social, and video marketing. Check out what we can provide your business. Schedule a free consultation to talk to an account analyst in one of our offices today.

Learn More About Digital Marketing -Take a Free Course Today

Big Bang Geeks Information

California Corporate Address:

6320 Canoga Ave, 15th Floor

Woodland Hills, CA 91360

Texas Corporate Address:

130 N Preston Rd, Suite 22B

Prosper, TX 75078

Schedule a Free Lead Consultation

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This website is for advertisement purposes only. Big Bang Geeks is a subsidiary of Big Bang Geeks Marketing and R 33 Research Corp. Copyright 2023 all rights reserved. View our Privacy Policy and Terms/Conditions & Payment/Refund Policy. For more information please email or call (818) 877-7701.